
Can I Send Wedding Invitations Online? When you start planning your wedding, one key decision is how to invite your guests. In the past, this meant making physical invitations, stuffing them into envelopes, and mailing them. But now, in our digital world, many wonder if it’s possible to send wedding invitations online.

Many couples today choose to send their wedding invites online. This is thanks to websites and services that let you create and send e-invites easily. It’s not only a quicker and cheaper option but also better for the planet. Yet, some might wonder if e-invites can be as special and personal as paper ones. They also question if it’s easy to keep track of who’s coming. We’re going to look at the advantages of online wedding invitations. Plus, we’ll suggest some great online platforms for making and sending them.

Key Takeaways:

  • Online wedding invitations offer convenience, cost-saving, and eco-friendliness.
  • They can be as stylish and personalized as traditional paper invitations.
  • Digital invitations make RSVP tracking easy and accurate.
  • Recommended platforms include Greenvelope, Evite Premium, Paperless Post, Bliss & Bone, Etsy, and Riley & Grey.
  • Sending wedding invitations online is a modern and practical solution that simplifies the wedding planning process.

Advantages of Sending Digital Wedding Invitations

Digital wedding invitations save a lot of money. Unlike paper invites that can be very expensive, digital ones are often below $100. This is great for couples looking to save or spend on other things.

Digital invites also save a lot of time. There’s no need to stuff envelopes or find stamps. Sending them out is fast and easy.

Choosing digital invites is also kinder to the planet. It cuts down on paper use. This helps make your wedding more eco-friendly.

Digital invitations let you design a beautiful package. You can match your wedding’s colors and theme. This makes everything look connected and attractive to your guests.

Finally, digital invites simplify the RSVP process. Guests can respond online. This means you get their answers fast and accurately.

Recommended Online Platforms for Digital Wedding Invitations

Sending digital wedding invites is now simple, thanks to many online services. These sites let you make and send unique, stylish invites. Here’s a list of some top sites to use:

1. Greenvelope

Greenvelope is ideal for those who want elegant, eco-friendly invites. It has a great variety of beautiful, customizable designs. You can make matching save the dates, websites, and even virtual seating charts with Greenvelope.

2. Evite Premium

Evite Premium is perfect for high-quality digital invites. They offer stylish designs, RSVP tracking, and custom reminders. Couples and their guests enjoy an ad-free experience with Evite Premium.

3. Paperless Post

Paperless Post provides customizable, interactive digital invites. Their designs range from classic to modern. You can also integrate wedding registries and create online photo albums with Paperless Post.

4. Bliss & Bone

Bliss & Bone specializes in modern, sophisticated designs. They focus on unique customization, making invitations stand out. Bliss & Bone also offers event websites and guest management tools.

5. Etsy

Etsy is great for handmade, unique digital invites. Independent designers create customizable designs to match your theme. Etsy helps couples support small businesses while finding unique invitations.

6. Riley & Grey

Riley & Grey offers elegant, customizable invitation designs. It’s easy to use, letting couples reflect their style. Guest management and RSVP tracking are additional features.

These platforms have unique features and designs, helping you find the perfect digital invite. Whether you like traditional, modern, or custom designs, they provide everything you need to create impressive invites for your guests.

Debunking Misconceptions about Online Wedding Invitations

Many people think online wedding invitations are not as good as paper ones. But that’s not true. With today’s digital design advancements, online invites can look very elegant and stylish. Couples can choose from many designs to match their wedding theme perfectly.

Also, creating online invitations is not an easy way out. Couples actively choose designs, customize details, and handle RSVPs. There are many customizable options online. These include adding personal photos, choosing fonts, and picking colors. Some sites even let you create a completely unique design.

Online wedding invitations keep up with the latest trends. Designers update their collections with new colors, styles, and ideas often. This means couples can easily find invitations that match the newest wedding trends.

Online invites also make managing RSVPs simple. Guests can quickly reply via the wedding website. This gives accurate info to the couple fast. Sites like Greenvelope remind guests to RSVP and send automatic messages. This makes keeping track of who’s coming much easier for the couple.

Benefits of Online Wedding Invitations

Here are some advantages of online wedding invitations:

  • Cost-saving: Online invites are cheaper than paper ones. They help save a lot of money, which is great for budget-conscious couples.
  • Time-saving: No need for envelopes, stamps, or writing addresses. Sending online invitations is quick and easy.
  • Eco-friendly: By skipping paper, couples make a green choice for their big day.
  • Customizable options: There’s a wide range of customization, allowing couples to make their invitations unique.
  • Efficient RSVPs: Guests can respond through the wedding site, making it easy to track who’s coming.

Online wedding invitations offer a smart and modern choice for today’s couples. They provide a way to personalize invites while being efficient and eco-friendly.

Cost Benefits of Digital Wedding Invitations

Digital wedding invitations offer a significant lower cost advantage. This is in contrast to traditional paper invitations. Those can cost between $5,000 to $8,000 on average.

In comparison, digital options are much more budget-friendly, usually under $100. This makes them an attractive choice for couples. They can save money or spend it on other wedding details.

Online platforms often come with membership plans that have set prices. For example, Greenvelope lets you send as many invites as you need for one price. This helps couples stay within their budget while still sending out elegant digital invites.

budget-friendly digital wedding invitations

Comparison: Physical Invitations vs. Digital Invitations

Cost Physical Invitations Digital Invitations
Price Range $5,000 – $8,000 Up to $100
Membership Plans Not applicable Available for unlimited invitations
Eco-Friendliness High paper consumption Environmentally conscious, reduces paper waste

Design Options for Digital Wedding Invitations

Digital wedding invitations give couples many design choices. They can make personalized invites that match their wedding theme and colors. There’s a lot to consider, from changing design details to picking envelope styles.

Customizable Design Elements

With digital invites, you can change many design parts. You could adjust text, place images, or add pretty things. The choices are endless to make it your own.

Color Palettes

You can pick from many colors for your digital invites. Choose bold or soft colors to show your wedding’s feel. The right colors can set the invite’s mood and make it look better.

Font Choices

Fonts are key to the invite’s look. Digital invites offer lots of font types, from classic to playful. Trying different fonts can help you find the best look for your theme.

Background Options

The invite’s background adds to its charm. You can pick from textures, flowers, or personal photos. The right choice can make your invite look more together.

Envelope Customization

Even digital invites can have special envelopes. You can choose liners with glitter or gold. This makes your invite seem more elegant and nice to look at.

By picking these design elements, your invite will be special. Digital invites let you be creative. This way, your invitations show your story in a beautiful way.

Easy RSVP Tracking with Online Invitation Services

Digital wedding invitations make RSVPing way easier. Guests can quickly reply through the wedding website. This skips the need for paper RSVPs and mailing them back. Couples get real-time responses, helping them accurately track who’s coming.

Online invites also link to a central wedding website. It’s a go-to for all wedding info, such as where to stay, the schedule, and updates. This way, guests find everything they need in one spot, making things clear and smooth.

Online invitation services make replying fast and keep guest lists accurate. Guests can easily share if they’re coming, food choices, and more from their devices. This smooth process helps couples and makes the experience better for guests, too.

Green Benefits of Digital Wedding Invitations

Digital wedding invitations are an eco-friendly option. They help cut down on paper waste. This aids in making sustainable wedding choices. By choosing digital over paper, couples lessen the harm to our planet. They show they care about being environmentally conscious.

Switching to digital invitations matches the trend towards green weddings. Paper invites create lots of waste. This includes the cards, envelopes, RSVPs, and packaging. Going digital means no need for paper. This lowers the carbon footprint and saves resources.

It’s key to reduce paper use. This saves trees and cuts down water and energy used in making paper. It also sends less trash to landfills. This supports a healthier planet.

Digital invites display a couple’s care for the environment. It tells guests that looking after our planet matters. This could encourage them to choose eco-friendly options for their events.

Benefits of Going Paperless with Digital Wedding Invitations

“By choosing digital wedding invitations, couples can significantly reduce their carbon footprint and embrace a more sustainable approach to their special day.”

Digital wedding invitations have many practical pluses. There’s no need to print, put together, or mail them out. This saves time and money. Couples can design their invites online, making them personal and unique.

Also, digital invites make RSVPs simple. Responses come in fast, helping with planning. Many online platforms offer tools to make managing your guest list effortless.

Green Benefits of Digital Wedding Invitations Benefits
Reduces paper waste Conserves trees and natural resources
Minimizes carbon footprint Reduces greenhouse gas emissions
Promotes sustainable wedding choices Inspires others to make eco-friendly decisions

Choosing digital wedding invitations brings convenience and customization. They’re an eco-friendly alternative to paper. By lessening paper waste and picking sustainable wedding choices, couples help our planet. They also make their invites special and memorable.

Wedding Invitation Unique Wording

Personal Design Services for Unique Invitations

Online platforms now offer personal design services for unique wedding invitations. These services let couples work with design specialists. Together, they bring the couple’s vision to life.

“With personalized invitations, couples can add a touch of their own style and personality, making their invitations truly unique and reflective of their love story.” – Emily White, Wedding Planner

Custom illustrations are a big plus with personal design services. Designers can create unique elements that mean something special to the couple. This makes the invitations feel more personal and stand out.

Design specialists also help perfect the overall look. They assist in picking the right colors, fonts, and backgrounds. This ensures the invitations match the wedding theme perfectly.

Advanced Design Work and Attention to Detail

Couples looking for advanced design options will find what they need. Personal design services allow for unique graphics and detailed designs. Designers can make any idea come to life.

These services are known for their attention to detail. Specialists take care to make every invitation perfect. They focus on typography, layout, and making sure it evokes the right feelings.

Benefits of Personal Design Services
Custom illustrations that add a personal touch
Refinement of the overall design concept with expert guidance
Flexibility for advanced design work and intricate details
Attention to detail, ensuring a flawless final product

Personal design services ensure every invitation is unique. Couples can be sure their invitations reflect their personality and story. Working with design experts means the invitations will be special keepsakes of their big day.


Sending wedding invites online is both easy and smart. It also saves you money. You can make invites that are both pretty and personal. Websites like Greenvelope, Evite Premium, Paperless Post, Bliss & Bone, Etsy, and Riley & Grey have lots of designs to choose from.

You can go fully digital or mix online invites with paper ones. The online route makes inviting guests simple and quick. It’s a smart way to handle your wedding invites, giving them a personal touch.

Digital invites let you easily manage your guest list and keep track of RSVPs. The sites I mentioned help you make stunning invites that stand out. No matter if your wedding is classic or modern, digital invites are great for couples today.


Can I send wedding invitations online?

Yes, you can use different digital platforms to send wedding invitations online.

What are the advantages of sending digital wedding invitations?

Digital wedding invitations save you money and time. They are eco-friendly. They come with cohesive design packages and make RSVP tracking easy.

Which online platforms are recommended for digital wedding invitations?

For digital wedding invites, try Greenvelope, Evite Premium, Paperless Post, Bliss & Bone, Etsy, and Riley & Grey.

Are online wedding invitations tacky?

Not at all. Online wedding invitations can look just as good as paper ones. There are many stylish designs to choose from.

Are online wedding invitations lazy?

Not lazy. Choosing and customizing online invitations takes time and effort, including managing the RSVPs.

Can online wedding invitations adapt to current trends?

Yes, they have customizable options and keep up with new trends. This includes new colors, styles, and designs.

How can I personalize my online wedding invitations?

You can make them unique by adding your photos, choosing fonts, and selecting colors. Some platforms even offer fully custom designs.

How does the RSVP process work with online wedding invitations?

Guests can reply quickly on the wedding website. This gives you fast and accurate info.

Are digital wedding invitations eco-friendly?

Yes, they are. They cut down on paper use and the environmental toll of traditional invites.

Can I get personalized designs for my online wedding invitations?

Yes, certain platforms provide personal design services. Here, you can work with design specialists to create special invitations.

What are the key benefits of digital wedding invitations?

They offer many perks. This includes ease of use, flexibility, and cost savings. You get customizable designs, simple RSVP tracking, and they are good for the planet. Plus, you can get personalized designs.

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affordable wedding invitations 2024

My name is Janet Barton, and I am proud to be the owner of MCC Wedding Invitations. My mission is to create beautiful, personalized and affordable wedding invitations that are accessible to everyone.

I understand that weddings are expensive, and that’s why I am committed to offering affordable invitations. My price includes not only designing and printing your invitation, I also design and print your insert cards at no extra cost. And I include matching envelopes!

I believe everyone deserves a beautiful wedding invitation, regardless of their budget. My commitment to quality and affordability has earned me over 200 Google 5-Star ratings from brides I have worked with across the country.